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Home Remodeling-min

6 Tips on how to prepare for a Home Remodeling Project

Do you want to increase the resale value of your house? Are you struggling to add more space to your home? Do you love your neighborhood, but you feel your house is out-of-date? Or maybe you have an epiphany one day looking at those old cabinets and counters in your kitchen. Whatever the motivation be, the thought crosses your mind: Maybe it is time to go for a home remodel. Upon deciding that you are finally going to undertake that home remodel, there are a lot of considerations which you need to attend. Planning for a home renovation is an exciting as well as potentially stressful time. To make sure that your home renovation turns out to be great, it is essential that you be prepared.

Use these 6 tips to prepare yourself for a home renovation project:

1.Research your project

Before embarking on a home renovation project, write a prioritized list of your needs and wants. The first step is to understand what you want to do with your project. The more clearly you can envision your project, the more hassle-free the outcome would be. You should keep in mind that even small remodels require significant planning.

2.Determine your budget

A thorough budget is a critical part of any successful remodel. There is a reason we call it a “dream house”: It might not exist in real life—at least within the parameters of our budget! You need to be sure that your finances are adequate to comfortably be able to go into your whole renovation with a little bit of wiggle room. You should be aware that some unforeseen issues may come up, things that we simply cannot see or determine before tearing down walls, ripping apart a ceiling, or unearthing part of a foundation.

3.Time your renovation right

Renovation projects are notorious for running over schedule and contractors often get a bad rep for not finishing projects on time. It often happens through nobody’s fault. Unforeseen circumstances like bad weather can delay outdoor projects, tricky wiring can take longer than expected, subcontractors can get sick or maybe homeowners not choosing the materials on time can cause a delay. It is wise to just expect that there might be delays, so plan the remodel with ample of time. For a while, your house will be a construction zone with dust on everything and strangers working around, but you will have to maintain your and your contractor’s sanity during the whole process.

4.Find the right team

Not everyone is born with the magic touch for renovation. This, certainly, is the reason why a whole range of professionals exist: architects, designers, and contractors. Hiring a professional contractor is the best way to ensure your project’s success. Design and build is a very effective process in which the homeowner needs to appoint only one contractor who then co-ordinates with the entire team of designers and professionals. These professionals are dedicated to maintaining the highest integrity and standards in the industry. Keep a positive attitude, trust your contractor, and understand that the renovation process is temporary. Construction is not as much fun with dust all around, but once it is all over, you will have a beautiful new home.

5.Decide if you are going to stay in the home during your renovation

Once your contractor has given you a “start” date or a “demo” date, it is essential that you prepare yourself for construction. A home that is being remodeled is dusty, loud and inconvenient in many ways. You may want to consider staying with a friend or family member or rent an apartment if you are going to have a major home renovation. If you decide to stay in your house during your renovation, it will be important to decide which rooms will be yours to inhabit during the remodel. Condensing your home to one or two rooms during a remodel can be a little difficult especially if you have a large family.

6.Protect your furniture

Remove furniture and other décors from the work area before remodeling begins. If you have large or immovable pieces, covering the furniture can save them from any wear or damage. Remodeling is incredibly dusty. To avoid getting dust on upholstery and on knick-knacks you should box up what you can, making sure to label each and every box.

The key to a successful home remodeling project is proper planning – from the rooms, you want to get renovated to the total budget for each project, the right time frame and to reach out for the right professional help. These tips will certainly help you survive through a small or major home renovation project and save your sanity!


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